
Los artistas unidos por esta causa que sigue conmoviendo al mundo

Los artistas usan su voz contra la violencia

Hace unos días se conocieron fuertes imágenes donde un policía asfixió a un detenido de color, esposado y desarmado, hasta dejarlo sin vida. Los artistas no se quedaron callados ante esta situación. Luis Fonsi, Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, Residente, Cardi B, Selena Gomez, Billie Eilish, Katy Perry, Kenny Garcia, entre otros, mostraron su desacuerdo a través de las redes sociales.

¡No puedo sacar esta imagen de mi cabeza! No puedo quedarme callado tampoco. Todos los días mueren personas inocentes por el color de su piel. Este hombre fue asesinado. Su vida importaba. Descansa en paz #GeorgeFloyd” escribió Fonsi en su cuenta de Instagram.

Justin Bieber también expresó su enojo: “ESTO DEBE PARAR. Esto me pone absolutamente enfermo. Esto me enfurece, este hombre murió. Esto me pone triste. El racismo es malo ¡Necesitamos usar nuestra voz! Por favor gente. Lo siento GEORGE FLOYD”.




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this makes me absolutely sick. This makes me angry this man DIED. This makes me sad. Racism is evil We need to use our voice! Please people. I’m sorry GEORGE FLOYD

Una publicación compartida por Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) el

Demi Lovato no se quedó atrás en el reclamo: “Esto no esta bien. Y no se detendrá hasta que todos hagan su parte. Especialmente los blancos. Lo dije recientemente y lo diré nuevamente, no permita que su incomodidad en torno a los problemas sociales le impida hablar en defensa de las personas EN PELIGRO. Y la realidad es, hasta que esto SE DETENGA COMPLETAMENTE: LA COMUNIDAD NEGRA CONTINUARÁ VIVIENDO EN PELIGRO. HAZ TU PARTE. ESTO TE INVOLUCRA TAMBIÉN. #GeorgeFloyd, espero que descanses en paz, porque no es justo, muchos no hicieron su parte para garantizar que vivieras en paz.

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???????????? me parte el alma, esto tiene que parar #blacklivesmatter

Una publicación compartida por Sebastian Yatra (@sebastianyatra) el

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Una publicación compartida por Anitta ???? (@anitta) el

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Its uncomfortable work to be a white person and taking responsibility to change the way our society views life, but it has to be done. this post is long and its not gonna be easy to read and its probably going to make people mad... But Imagine being pinned down on the hot concrete for five minutes begging to breath. the pressure on your head makes your nose bleed, you black out and you die. Even watching that video made it so I couldn't sleep for two nights. It doesn't feel good to see something like this happen to my country and our people But there isn't a way to imagine being a Black American. It must feel suffocating, it must feel claustrophobic, It must feel hopeless sometimes like a foot is literally on your neck every day. Yes we made progress as a society but its obvious its not close to enough. if I was there I wouldn't have been killed because Im white and I think thats a fact. George Floyds life is over. his daughter grows up with no father. I imagine if I was young person living in Minneapolis i'd be one of these kids on the street rioting because for a moment I feel rage and i'm mad and it looks like there is an enemy that's clear. but there isn't. There is this feeling that it was ok to treat George Floyd like he wasn't human and that's whats broken in America. I don't think burning down autozone or starbucks will fix anything but the real question is where do we go from here? I don't have an answer but I think having empathy for our neighbors is a good start. Minneapolis is such a diverse city with such a strong music community. I thought something like this wouldn't happen there but thats just another way for us to normalize. Racism is real and if you deny that you are a lunatic. we are a beautiful country and beautiful people but it took acts of murder on video in broad daylight to expose this racism. I want to help, im just going to leave videos of people rebuilding Atlanta and Minneapolis this morning together because thats what we have to do tommorow when we wake up.

Una publicación compartida por Thomas Wesley (@diplo) el

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#blacklivesmatter -No metas tus manos en tus bolsillos(para que no piensen que te has robado algo otra es una pistola) -No te pongas la sudadera sobre la cabeza. - no salgas sin camisa -no toques nada en la tienda a menos que lo vayas a comprar -nunca salgas de la tienda sin haber pedido un recibo, aunque lo único que compres sea una caja de goma de mascar. -nunca salgas de tu casa sin ID -No manejes tu auto usando una camiseta sin mangas. -Cuando te detenga un policía, mantén tus manos en el volante y pide permiso para buscar tu licencia y registro vehicular. -nunca mires a una mujer blanca. (Para que no se sienta amenazada.) ESO ESTO ES VIDA. ✊????✊????✊????✊????✊????

Una publicación compartida por Ricky (@ricky_martin) el

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Una publicación compartida por KATY PERRY (@katyperry) el

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Una publicación compartida por The Vamps (@thevamps) el

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Wooooooooowwwwww!! Sometimes poetry can hit your soul like nothing else....

Una publicación compartida por Alicia Keys (@aliciakeys) el

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#justiceforgeorgefloyd #blacklivesmatter

Una publicación compartida por BILLIE EILISH (@billieeilish) el

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with his knee on his neck, handcuffed and helpless, crying for his life with his face in the street is the most sickening, heartbreaking thing ive seen in a long time. This Officer knew he was being filmed and murdered him with arrogance and Pride. This has to stop!! Until we can over come Racism in America— no one should be allowed to carry a gun. Most of all cops. God Bless you George Floyd Im so sorry for you and your family. And all the senseless killings that have gone before you. Will it ever end? ???????? I pray to GOD it does one day. Until then—Fuck The Police! Yea I said it. Im not interested in being PC. Im interested in Justice. @shaunking #georgefloyd #justice #guncontrol

Una publicación compartida por Madonna (@madonna) el

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Tags: Daddy yanee, Anitta, Ricky Martin, Charlie cxx, karol G, Selena Gomez, Billie Eillish, Katy Perry, miley Cyrus, Residente, Justin Bieber, Cardi B, Demi Lovato, Kany Garcia, Residente, Luis Fonsi, madonna.


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